Blog Posts

CTPOA Announces Formation of its P.A.C. September 17, 2013 The CT Property Owners Alliance is pleased to announce the formation of its Political Action… Read more
CTPOA President appointed to CT Blight Task Force September 7, 2013 Our president, Bob De Cosmo was appointed by Senate President Donald Williams to serve as… Read more
Summer schedule over at CTPOA September 3, 2013 Every September we begin scheduling meetings and events for landlords as the summertime has historically… Read more
State Representative Larry Butler Receives Award July 26, 2013 At a well attended gathering at the Spring Grove Pavilion in Waterbury, State Representative Larry… Read more
SUCCESS June 24, 2013 The CT Bonding Commission on June 21. 2013 approved its 41 item agenda yesterday by… Read more
Connecticut fails to change its Bed Bug Policy June 8, 2013 Connecticut fails to change its Bed Bug Policy as senate version of Bill differs with… Read more
Lead paint provision April 28, 2013 The proposed lead paint provision in the Health Departments Bill has us  concerned that the… Read more
Bristol Property Owners Chapter April 10, 2013 We are almost ready to roll out a Bristol Property Owners Chapter and we are… Read more
2013 is here and 2012 was a year to remember. March 1, 2013 CTPOA welcomes the Windham County and the Greater New Haven landlord groups into the Alliance… Read more

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